Use "crimes against humanity|crime against humanity" in a sentence

1. This includes crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide.

2. They stand accused of crimes against humanity.

3. They face charges of committing crimes against humanity.

4. The massacre was a crime against humanity.

5. He is charged with genocide and crimes against humanity.

6. acts of torture are war crimes and can constitute crimes against humanity,

7. He is charged with 20 war crimes, including genocide and crimes against humanity.

8. We have to prosecute all the perpetrators of war crimes and crimes against humanity."

9. Every attempt to belittle it . . . is a crime against humanity.”

10. At its worst, it amounts to complicity in crimes against humanity.

11. It was to be invoked only for genocide , war crimes , ethnic cleansing or crimes against humanity.

12. Establish, wherever necessary, independent and credible commissions of inquiry on war crimes and crimes against humanity (France);

13. (C.4) Legislative measures for the implementation of treaties The Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act:

14. Prevailing international law, however, prohibits amnesties that cover crimes against humanity, war crimes or acts of genocide

15. Recalls that there can be no amnesty or impunity for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide

16. Recognizing the contribution of the International Criminal Court in ending impunity for the most serious crimes against children, including genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes, calling upon States not to grant amnesties for such crimes and acknowledging the contribution of the international criminal tribunals and special courts in ending impunity for the most serious crimes against children, including genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes,

17. Al-Majid was captured following the 2003 invasion of Iraq and was charged with war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide.

18. Individuals should be protected from crimes against humanity, which occur most often in times of armed conflict

19. “It is long past due for Pyongyang to be held accountable for its crimes against humanity,” Fisher said.

20. Government must immediately arrest and extradite Hissène Habré to Belgium to face crimes against humanity charges Document - Senegal:

21. The Commission of Inquiry found on reasonable grounds that Burundi has committed crimes against humanity since April 2015.

22. The Chamber acquitted the Accused for conspiracy to commit genocide, genocide, complicity in genocide and crimes against humanity.

23. Most importantly, Amnesties that prevent the prosecution of individuals who may be legally responsible for war crimes, genocide, crimes against humanity and other gross

24. If the conference succeeds in labelling slave trafficking a crime against humanity, demands for compensation will surely follow.

25. Congress are “Complicitors” in Israel’s long history of genocide, ethnic cleansing, war crimes, and crimes against humanity; and as such are “war criminals” themselves.

26. Ten Belarusians have asked Germany's federal prosecutor to open a criminal investigation against President Alexander Lukashenko and security officers for alleged crimes against humanity during a

27. Often described as Europe's deadliest conflicts since World War II, the wars were marked by many war crimes, including genocide, crimes against humanity and rape.

28. Crimes against humanity are certain acts that are purposely committed as part of a widespread or systematic policy, directed against civilians, in times of war or peace

29. In democratic countries, terrorism has no justification and it must be considered illegal, abhorrent, unacceptable and a crime against humanity.

30. The use of H - bombs would be an outrage against humanity.

31. That's a crime before God and humanity.

32. The Libyan regime’s systematic use of deadly force, including aerial and rocket attacks against civilians, evokes memories of other such violations by tyrants, and may well be crimes against humanity.

33. There’s a “Cum guzzling” reference in Cards Against Humanity, and there was that

34. The context would be something like this: "Individual criminal responsibility for crimes against humanity requires some nexus between the individual offense committed and the Chapeau elements of these crimes."

35. Still others worry that economic chaos will set masses of humanity against one another.

36. Ten Belarusians have filed a criminal complaint in Germany against President Alexander Lukashenko and members of his regime for crimes against humanity during a brutal post-election crackdown, lawyers representing them said Wednesday

37. On 8 June 2018, the Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Court decided, by majority, to acquit Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo from the charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

38. Identifying options and recommendations to advance accountability is a crucial and necessary next step in light of the Commission of Inquiry’s finding of crimes against humanity.

39. Not to be too Apoplectical, but what Biden has done, is a crime against humanity, and he should be impeached and tried in the Hague

40. View in context Pure humanity Atones for all human crimes and weaknesses.

41. Agam (Malaysia) said that one of the most significant breakthroughs of the Durban Conference had been the recognition that slavery and the slave trade were crimes against humanity.

42. The Ethiopian Human Rights Commission says Eritrean soldiers killed more than 100 Civilians in a November massacre in war-torn Tigray that may amount to crimes against humanity.

43. The criminal Comportment which served as a basis for these accusations also served in part to support the last accusation of persecution as a crime against humanity

44. Blé Goudé faces four counts of crimes against humanity allegedly committed during the post-elections crisis, including 184 murders, 38 rapes, 126 inhuman acts and 348 acts of persecution.

45. Some scientists, doctors and legal experts have even asked the United Nations to seek an advisory opinion from the World Court declaring human cloning to be a crime against humanity .

46. The French UN ambassador denied the LHD Mistral was a warship, and claimed Myanmar's refusal to allow increased aid into the country "could lead to a true crime against humanity."

47. Example sentences with "Baselessness", translation memory Therefore, it is not astonishing to see that the officials of such a regime, ruled by culprits of crimes against humanity and war crimes, make baseless statements as a tactic to gain legitimacy and credibility.

48. Chad’s Ex-President, Sentenced to Life, Given Temporary Reprieve From Prison Hissène Habré, the former president of Chad who was convicted of crimes against humanity, was freed from his prison cell

49. The stele illustrates the Canaanite concept of divine kingship whereby the warrior-god protects humanity against the destructive forces of nature

50. Bedevilling humanity … Hellraiser: Judgment

51. humanity at its finest.

52. Suddenly you discover humanity?

53. Amnesties for the most serious crimes—including genocide, crimes against humanity, slavery, torture, and other gross violations of human rights, and war crimes—have been considered impermissible by various UN bodies and have been found to be contrary to international law in decisions by regional and international courts.

54. The Agency helps to achieve this objective by: providing screening support to CIC’s visa operations abroad; refusing entry to persons suspected of war crimes; seeking to exclude such persons from the refugee determination process in Canada; and removing failed refugee claimants involved in war crimes or crimes against humanity.

55. Schmitt’s rants against the ‘Criminalizers in Nuremberg’ and the “constructors of crimes against humanity and genocide” were founded on his critique of the concept of universal value as liberal hype.” As a Nazi intellectual, Schmitt rejected all Enlightenment claims of universal principles, including human rights and equality.

56. The International Criminal Court (ICC) investigates and, where warranted, tries individuals charged with the gravest crimes of concern to the international community: genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and the crime of aggression.// La Cour pénale internationale (Cpi) mène des enquêtes et, le cas échéant, juge les personnes accusées des crimes les plus graves qui touchent l

57. A concrete example of the problem was the case of a mujahideen commander known as Zardad who was alleged to have committed serious war crimes and crimes against humanity at a checkpoint situated on a road passing through Afghanistan that was under Taliban control.

58. Jean Ziegler, the UN's independent expert on the right to food, calls the growing use of crops to replace petrol as a crime against humanity and wants a five-year moratorium on biofuel production.

59. This detestable custom satirizes humanity.

60. Iron jungle Animalises my humanity

61. Humanity shut its eyes in view of the hideous apparition of wan and haggard Beggary and crime

62. " Heinous crimes against upstanding members of the community. "

63. Acheron is a 1930s Grimpunk tabletop role-playing game where you must sacrifice your humanity to fight against the evils of the world.

64. The newspapers fulminate against the crime.

65. Biden Condemns 'Vicious Hate Crimes' Against Asian Americans

66. And war crimes committed against the civillian population

67. Cross-check him against crime records.

68. The General Assembly decision to commemorate the Rwandan genocide on 7 April 2004 had been welcomed by the Rwandan people as a demonstration of global solidarity for the commemoration of a most abominable crime against humanity.

69. What a waste of humanity.

70. Anthropology is the study of humanity

71. What a sad commentary on humanity!

72. Mike Ackerman, an expert on kidnappings, explained: “As we make crimes against property more difficult in all societies, it forces crimes against people.”

73. On March 23, 2018, the Human Rights Council adopted without a vote a resolution that maintained pressure on the need for advancing accountability mechanisms for the eventual prosecution of North Korean leaders and officials responsible for crimes against humanity.

74. You're accused of murder and crimes against the state.

75. Hate crimes against Asians and Asian Americans have skyrocketed

76. Just as international terrorism is an affront to civilized conduct and a threat to international peace and security, so also are impunity and crimes against humanity an affront to the world's conscience, and indeed a threat to international peace and security

77. We should treat animals with humanity.

78. It was this thing that came into the cosmos as an invader, it enslaved humanity, it was the pedagogue that swatted humanity down when humanity was in its childish state.

79. Bloodyminded, Category: Artist, Albums: Bloodyminded, True Crime (Remastered), Within the Walls, Magnetism, Gift Givers, Singles: Essential Humanity, Bloodyminded, No

80. Crimes Against Society, e.g., gambling, prostitution, and drug violations, represent society’s prohibition against engaging in certain types of activity; they are typically victimless Crimes …